There are several menus here and it is important to understand each of their basic functions.


Add new users here or edit existing ones.  Generate their access by connecting the fob or fobs to generate credentials.  The iButton option is for deadbolts (also known as PEDs or SPEDs, which need to be manually locked) and the Card option is for COs, which lock upon close.


Create the doors here.

Access Rights

Choose a user or door and set up access.  You will see the current access appear on the right.  You can also choose from access times previously created in the SmarTime menu.   



Create time zones here for when you would like different users to have access. 

Generate Program Files

Use this to sync data to the handheld.  Make sure the HHD is properly plugged in, then click “Generate Program Files” and wait for it to complete.  Then check the device to make sure it was transfer. 

Note that you will need to physically visit the locks with the HHD to change their information.