1. Make sure the handheld is turned OFF and NOT plugged into the PC yet.

2. In SMS on your PC, sign in and select to Generate Program Files.

3. This takes you to a list of doors. Select a door or range of doors you want. In this case, you can just select the one you are working with. Keep in mind that there is a limit on how many you can upload at a time, so do not choose more than 100 maximum at a time.   

4. Click the "Generate Program Files" button near the bottom of that window.

5. Wait for it to complete.

6. Now, make sure the software on the handheld is turned OFF, and plug the handheld into the PC.

7. Let it auto sync.

8. Unplug the handheld.

9. Turn on the handheld and make sure you see the data you just requested on the device.