From the Client main screen, select the Manage People button > Add Person.
From Add Person screen, select the Transactions tab.
Click in the box to the left of Receive Live Transactions to enable this feature. The box has an x when this function is enabled.
Click in the box to the left of Include Credential Not Found Transactions to enable this feature. The box has an x when this function is enabled.
Present the card at a conveniently located reader.
The card transaction is listed as Accessed Denied - Card Not In ACU.
Right click on the transaction and from the pop-up screen, select Add Credential.
The credential number is inserted in the card number field in its large card number format regardless of the type card.
Complete the relevant cardholder fields.
Click on the Save button when you have completed entering the information.
Click on the Back button until you are at the main screen or for a previously viewed screen select the Navigation History down arrow to the right of the Back button.